Sunday, January 26, 2014

What Does the Gift of the Holy Ghost Mean to Me?

The Gift of the Holy Ghost is the baptism of the spirit. It gives us the right, as long as we liver worthily, of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

His role is to be a witness to truth, and a witness of the Father and the Son. Thus, the surest testimony a person can receive is through the influence of the Holy Ghost. A person can see miracles and still not be converted - only the Holy Ghost can do that.

He also serves as a guide, who can be relied upon to direct us right in our choices and actions, and to warn us of error and sometimes of danger.

In order to receive these blessings, we must keep ourselves in tune with the spirit. If we are not worthy, he will not stay with us. We must also obey and follow his promptings if we expect to continue to receive them.

It is by this gift that I know that Jesus is the Christ, the only source of salvation. It is by this gift that I know that Thomas S. Monson is truly the Lord's prophet, and that the church is true.

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